Monday, July 19, 2010

Week 31 (a little early)

I've been loving this whole experience! It's sooo much fun to read to Alexandria, to "talk" to her, to dance with her at a recent wedding. Makes me tear up to think... hey, in a few months, I'll be able to do all these things with her in my arms! Such an exciting time! It's pretty fun to feel her moving about. To give her raspberries and make Michelle giggle. To feel her (something) press against my face when I'm talking to her trying to get her to move. Ahh... 2 months, but seems like an eternity (though, it feels like it's just right). I can't wait to meet her, but am going to miss her this way as well. I pray that I'm able to grow old with her around so I can tell her how wonderful it was to get to know her prior to her arrival!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Week 30

Yikes!  Time is moving so quickly now.  During the first few months, it felt as though time had stopped.  I couldn't imagine the day when our baby would be here or the day when I would stop feeling so ill all day and night.  I longingly waited for that baby bump to appear because I wanted to look pregnant and I wanted another sign that I was pregnant other than feeling sick.  Now, I wish I could make time stand still.  As excited as I am to meet Alexandria, I'm not ready to stop feeling her move around inside me where I know she is safe and happy.   

Friday, July 9, 2010

No More of that Nasty Drink!!!

I passed my glucose test!!! That means I don't have gestational diabetes and more importantly I don't have to drink that liquid again. It was horrible. The drink tasted fine. I had a choice of cola or orange and I chose the orange. It tasted like orange fruit punch which I like. When I got to the end I had to drink it very fast because I only had five minutes to drink the entire thing and I drink very slowly. I got nauseous and dizzy and remained that way for hours. I wasn't allowed to drink or eat anything for an hour and all I wanted was some water.  By the time the hour was up I felt too sick to eat or drink. I read that if I didn't pass this test, I would have to take a three hour one where I would have to drink more and it would be even more sugary. I wasn't sure if I would survive it. My iron is a little low, but that is an easy iron pill a day and I should be feeling a lot less tired.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Happy Days!

Hello all! The girl is at it again! She's found a new site for us that we will be able to keep for our growing family. I (and we) hope you enjoy it. I'm very excited, here in week 28. It's great times watching Alexandria grow (well, Michelle's belly, but, you know). Loving the experience! I'll add more later :D Pictures to DEFINITELY follow!

Switching Websites

After finding out that I could only upload ten pictures to the baby website without getting a paid subscription, I decided I had had enough of it. It is very limited without the subscription. For example, people can't comment on journal entries and I can't upload videos. So here we are. I've already blogged using this when David and I went cross country and I loved it. I put a link to the original website below the blog title.